Definition of Sound Waves and Their Nature

Definition of Sound Waves and Their Nature
Waves: Definition, Sound, Kind, Type, Nature, Formulas and Examples Is a disturbance (vibration) that propagates in a medium, which carries energy from one place to another.

Definition of Waves
Waves are a disturbance (vibration) that propagates in a medium, which carries energy from one place to another. In the wave that propagates is the wave, not the intermediate substance. The ideal form of a wave will follow the sinusoid movement. In addition to electromagnetic radiation, and possibly gravitational radiation, which can travel through a vacuum, waves are also present in the medium (which due to changes in shape can produce flexible recovery forces) where they can travel and can transfer energy from one place to another without causing medium particles move permanently; i.e. there is no mass transfer. Instead, each specific point oscillates around one particular position.
Waves are defined as vibrations that propagate through the medium, in the form of solids, liquids, and gases. Waves are vibrations that travel. The ideal form of a wave will follow the sinusoid movement. In addition to electromagnetic radiation, and possibly gravitational radiation, which can travel through a vacuum, waves are also present in the medium (which due to changes in shape can produce flexible recovery forces) where they can travel and can transfer energy from one place to another without causing medium particles move permanently; i.e. there is no mass transfer. Instead, each specific point oscillates around one particular position.

A medium is called:
linear if different waves at all specific points in the medium can be added up
limited if limited, otherwise called infinite
uniform if the physical characteristics don't change at different points
isotropic if the physical characteristics are "the same" in different directions

Types of Waves
Judging from the conductor or also the medium traversed by waves, we can distinguish There are two kinds of waves, namely mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves.
Waves consist of two types, namely transverse waves (transverse waves) and longitudinal waves (longitudinal waves).

Mechanical waves
Mechanical waves are waves which in their propagation require a medium or conductor to propagate. Mechanical wave medium can also be a solid, liquid, or gas. Sound or sound is one example of mechanical waves that can propagate through the solid, liquid or gas. For example, mechanical waves are waves on a rope, waves on a spring, waves on the surface of water.

Transverse waves
Transverse waves are waves that vibrate from each point of the particle in the medium (conduit), perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. For example, light waves, surface waves, and waves on a rope. To see the vibrational direction of the transverse wave, you can use a rope by means of one end of the rope tied while the other end is left free. In the case of the wave wave, the movement of the hand up and down will result in energy in the rope. The energy vibrates the area across the rope so that the area around it also vibrates up and down, and so on until the end of the rope. In transverse waves, a wavelength is the same distance as a hill wave plus a valley wave.
The characteristic of transverse waves is that there is a hill wave and a valley wave and a wavelength (lamda) is the same distance as a wave hill with a valley wave. . For example, waves in the spring (slinki) and light waves. When the slinki is moved forward and backward, then the slinki will be formed densely and also stretched. In a longitudinal wave, one wavelength is the same distance as a density and a gap is added. Characteristics of longitudinal waves, there are densities and distances and one wavelength is the same distance as one density plus one distance.
Transverse waves are waves whose direction is perpendicular to the direction of their vibrations. A wave can be grouped into trasnversal waves if the particles of the medium vibrate up and down in a direction perpendicular to the wave motion. Examples of transverse waves are rope waves. When we move the rope up and down, it appears that the rope moves up and down in a direction perpendicular to the direction of wave motion. Transverse waveforms look like the image below.

Transverse waves Transverse waves2
Based on the picture above, it appears that the wave propagates to the right in the horizontal plane, while the vibrational direction fluctuates in the vertical plane. The dashed line drawn in the middle along the wave propagation direction represents the balanced position of the medium (such as a rope or water). The highest point of the wave is called the peak, while the lowest point is called the valley. Amplitude is the maximum height of the peak or the maximum depth of the valley, measured from the equilibrium position. The distance of two equal and consecutive points on a wave is called wavelength (called lambda - greek letters). Wavelength can also be considered as distance from peak to peak or distance from valley to valley.

Longitudinal Waves
Electromagnetic waves are waves that can propagate without the need for delivery and are transverse waves. But these electromagnetic waves are field waves, not mechanical waves (matter). In electromagnetic waves, the electric field E is always perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field B and both are perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation. Electromagnetic wave interference occurs due to electric and magnetic fields, therefore electromagnetic waves can propagate in a vacuum.
In addition to transverse waves, there are also longitudinal waves. If in the transverse wave the direction of the vibrations of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of propagation, then in the longitudinal wave, the direction of the vibrations of the medium is parallel to the direction of the wave propagation. If you are confused by this explanation, imagine the vibration of a spring. Look at the picture below.

Longitudinal Waves
In the picture above it appears that the direction of vibration is parallel to the direction of wave propagation. A series of densities and stretches travel along a spring. Density is an area where spring coils are close to each other, while strain is an area where spring coils find one another. If the transverse wave has a pattern of peaks and valleys, then the longitudinal wave consists of dense and stretch patterns. Wavelength is the distance between sequential densities or sequential strains. What is meant here is the distance from two equal and consecutive points at the density or strain (see example in the picture above).
One example of logitudinal waves is sound waves in the air. Air as a medium for sound wave propagation, close and stretch along the direction of propagation of air waves. Unlike water waves or rope waves, sound waves we cannot see using the eyes. You like listening to music right? Try touching the loudspeaker while you are playing a song. The greater the volume of the song playing, the loudspeaker louder vibrates. If you pay close attention, the loudspeaker vibrates back and forth. In this case the loudspeaker functions as a source of sound waves and emits sound waves (longitudinal waves) through the air medium. Regarding the full sound wave will be studied on a separate subject.

Various kinds of waves
Wave According to the direction of vibration:
Transverse waves are waves whose vibrational direction is perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Example: waves on a rope, surface waves, light waves, etc.
Longitudinal waves are waves whose vibrational directions are parallel or coincide with the direction of propagation. Example: sound waves and waves on a spring.