Aspects of the Benefits of Character in Life

Aspects of the Benefits of Character in Life
In society
People who act are people who have good character. For example the village head is honest and fair to the community. The community will be more united, like to work together, help others, behave and dress politely and be responsible for the role of everyone in the community.

In the National and State
The existence of character in every human being on this earth, it will further arouse a sense of unity and unity in Indonesia. In this case, especially we as religious people really need character so that we can show respect and respect for our neighbors, and there is no division in the name of religion.

Purpose of Character
Try to minimize negative events.
Trying to instill the norms that are starting to be reduced by teenagers today.
Improving the quality of human life through understanding ethical education.

The Characteristics of Manners
Be willing and accept the situation
By having the nature of being willing and accepting the situation, it means that we can reconcile everything that happens beyond the reach of our human abilities, so that every storm that hits us will be able to overcome it.

The honesty that we have will bring good faith. If we are known as honest people, there will be no significant difficulties that will hinder our efforts in this life.

People who have patience mean that they can accept all kinds of life problems and can control their negative emotions.

Self aware
Someone who has introspective nature means he has mastered the technique of thinking wisely and is able to process true and convincing feelings, so that he is able to manifest all the bad behaviors that become his weaknesses.

The nature of virtue or virtuous must be trained and nurtured continuously without knowing boredom and despair, so that it ingrains. This is a characteristic of the character of a wise person, and able to display a noble personality, which means always in prime condition, peace and mind.

Characteristics of Budi Pekerti
Have faith
Attitudes and behaviors that show belief in God. This belief is accompanied by obedience and obedience in following orders and avoiding all His prohibitions. This is manifested by observing worship and behaving in accordance with religious norms.

Think mature
Attitudes and behaviors that show the ability to think objectively and be able to control prejudice and be open to correction. This is manifested in behavior guided by a balance of ratios and emotions so as not to follow their own desires.

Have responsibility
Daring attitudes and behaviors bear all the consequences of the actions or actions they take.

Attitudes and behaviors that do not like to lie, say what they are and dare to admit mistakes.

Forgiving attitudes and behavior for the mistakes of others and not hiding feelings for the mistakes of others.

Hate behavior and attitudes to emphasize and prioritize themselves, despite the reality more than others.

Can Be Fair
An unbiased attitude and behavior in considering decisions, impartial and using the same standards for all parties.