Understanding Disintegration According to Experts

Understanding Disintegration According to Experts
Social group
Social group or social group is a regular collection (aggregation) of humans. Social group or social group is a set or unity - human unity that involves mutual relations that affect each other and the awareness to help each other.
Systematic criteria about this social group were stated by Soerjono Soekanto in his book Sociology An Introduction, which is as follows.
Each group member must be aware that he is part of the group concerned.
There is a reciprocal relationship between one member and another.
There is a factor that is shared so that the relationship between them gets closer.
This same factor can be the same fate, the same goal, the same ideology, a common enemy, or an ethnic group (ethnic group).
The group has certain structures, rules, and patterns of behavior.
Have a certain system and process.

Social conflict factors
According to Turner there are several factors that trigger social conflict, including:
Inequality in the distribution of resources is very limited in society.
The revitalization of the legitimacy of political entrepreneurs by the lower classes of society.
The view that conflict is a way to realize interests.
At least a channel to accommodate the complaints of the lower class society and the slow social mobility.
The weakening of state power is accompanied by the mobility of the lower classes by the elite.
The lower classes of society accept the radical ideology.

Understanding Disintegration According to Experts
Disintegration according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary
Disintegration is a state of unity or disunity; loss of wholeness or unity; split. Disintegration is literally understood as the division of a nation into separate parts (Webster’s New Encyclopedic Dictionary 1994). This understanding refers to the verb disintegrate, "to lose unity or integrity by or as if by breaking into parts". The potential for disintegration of the Indonesian people according to empirical data is relatively high. One indication of this potential is low ethnic and linguistic homogeneity.

Disintegration Factor
What is a factor of national disintegration is the lack of a high sense of nationalism, a lack of tolerance among nations, foreign interference in the nation's affairs. In addition to cultural pluralism, the cause of the disintegration of the Indonesian people was also triggered by the centralization of development which had so far been more focused on the island of Java, causing disparities and jealousy from other regions, resulting in a desire to separate from the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

Efforts to Prevent Disintegration
To prevent disintegration, the first problem that must be resolved is building people's political awareness. Secondly, Muslims should not be dictated by foreign parties and be subject to pagan countries like the United States. Third, Muslims must take a stand against the rulers who are the arm of the US and other pagan infidel countries. Fourth, there must be a system that can prosper the people. The level of community welfare is a parameter that has the potential to give birth to disintegration.

Therefore we need a related rationale, including
Pancasila as the foundation of Idiil.
The 1945 Constitution as a Constitutional Foundation.
Nusantara Insight as a visional foundation.
National Resilience as a Conceptual Platform.
MPR Decree Number: V / MPR / 2000 concerning Consolidation of National Unity and Unity.